
這幾天領了錢終於可以買日思夜想的 [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim了~~

上網查了 [104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 相關的評價,推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,規格,推薦!

經過多方比較後,發現[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim居然曾造成搶購熱潮,實在是居家必備好物

用網購的方式買[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心,到貨的速度還滿快的,








20150506mn_Urbanite Denim


Take the club with you - Legendary Sennheiser sound featuring massive bass, smooth midrange and extended treble.團購

Tough companion - Constructed using premium extra rugged parts like stainless steel hinges and aluminum sliders for reliability and durability.

Stay connected - control your music and calls (includes detachable cable with 3-button remote control and integrated microphone for Apple iOS devices)

Easy to store and bring along - compact foldable design makes them easy to collapse and store in the supplied soft pouch.

Peace of mind - 2-years international warranty when purchased from an Authorized Sennheiser dealer.

Product Description

Color: Blue Denim - iOS version | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging

Step up and step out, it's time to let your ears be loved. Sennheiser URBANITE headphones are the new choice for great sound, deep bass, and urban style on the move. URBANITE On-Ear headphones deliver an intense club sound, serving up massive bass but with Sennheiser' s uncompromising clarity through the entire frequency range. URBANITE headphones are for those that love their tunes, love to look good, and respect great sound. URBANITE is perfect for staying connected on the move, with integrated in-line remote controls and microphones for taking calls and controlling music on smartphones and tablets, with two dedicated versions for either Apple iOS, or for Windows Phone and Android devices such as Samsung Galaxy models. A range of color choices includes black and denim across all models (both for iOS and Android), with the iOS URBANITE also available in sand, plum and nation. Ready for life on the go, URBANITE headphones are built tough to take on anything life can throw at them. Constructed using durable, high quality materials like stainless steel hinges and aluminum ear cup sliders, they're rugged with urban cool style. The fabric-wrapped headband is comfortable and steezy. Urbanite is a Sennheiser, so looking great and performing brilliantly are one and the same. Being tough using a foldable design is a perfect fit for life on the move, and a perfect fit comes naturally to URBANITE. The durable sliders and hinges work with super soft ear pads insulating the listener from external noise while ensuring great comfort during long listening sessions. So make a statement. Urbanite. Because you love your ears.

必買Product Details

Color: Blue Denim - iOS version | Product Packaging: Standard Packaging

Product Dimensions: 7.9 x 3.2 x 9 inches ; 10.6 ounces




[104美國直購] Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ear Headphones - Denim 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時














年金改革國是會議的舉辦地點又改了,從原本的國際會議中心,改至南港的中央研究院,再改到總統府。不斷改地點的唯一考量,就是為了要避開民眾的抗議,可是民進黨政府在上台之初,不是號稱要成為「最會溝通的政府」嗎?總統蔡英文不是告訴社會大眾不要怕與政府打交道嗎?一次、兩次政府若聽不到,可以大聲一點,第三次再聽不到,可以拍桌子嗎? 怎麼言猶在耳,就已經不再希望聽到民眾的聲音了呢?莫非以前講「最會溝通」、「三次聽不到可以拍桌子」,都是騙人的嗎?否則怎會如此!面對年金改革的抗議的聲音,有民進黨立委表示「無論年金國是會議開不開,最後負責修法的是立法院,這些人拒絕理性討論,拚了命圍年金會場、圍總統府、圍立法院,實在令人更為厭惡,包圍愈多次,會不會砍得更凶呀?」 什麼時候「最會溝通的政府」,搖身一變成為恐嚇老百姓的政府?民進黨不是最痛恨所謂「白色恐怖」的時代嗎?如今怎會用抗議愈多次年金就砍得愈凶來恐嚇百姓,掌權後墮落速度之快,還真令人嘆為觀止!不僅如此,面對絕食抗議的手段,民進黨高雄市黨部執行長不但沒有同理心,反而在社群網站上傳「看你們絕食到幾時」的圖片,真是令人情何以堪! 為什麼有那麼多民眾要上街抗議,甚至採取絕食抗議的激烈手段,難道不是因為民進黨政府都沒在聽嗎?蔡英文不是表示「年金改革不應汙名化任何職業別」、「要理解其內心不平」嗎?若不是被「污名化」、「內心不平」,試問會有那麼多人要前仆後繼地上街抗議嗎?為什麼說的與做的差距如此之大?「最會溝通的政府」去哪了呢? 君不見不是有前民進黨青年部主任跳出來表示:「把問題丟還給人民是政府最大敗筆」。可見民眾抗議不是因為不理性,而是政府未擔負起溝通的責任,把問題丟還給人民。人走失了要協尋,如今最會溝通的政府不見了,民眾也理應要奔相走告來協尋!【中央網路報】

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